Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Faith Enjoys!

This week I have appreciated The Daily Message readings in 1st Samuel and also the emphasis on faith as I followed the Indeed readings which you can guess focused on Hebrews 11. What a reminder and challenge to finish well. But there were so many personal failures in 1 Samuel even with reminders like Samuel’s “If you are truly serious about coming back to GOD, clean house…ground yourselves firmly in GOD, worship him and him alone…” Contrast that with the examples of those mentioned in Hebrews 11. What a dramatic difference! And Hebrews 11 certainly leaves no doubt about the key, as repeatedly we read “by faith.”

Here are a few statements that spoke to me;

“Faith doesn’t hold on to worry and stress.

Real faith…is absolutely certain that the invisible God has a visible answer for us.

In short, faith honors God’s faithfulness, His power, His love and His wisdom.

Those who cannot see the invisible God and who are not aware of the eternal kingdom will never opt for faith.

Faith enjoys the gifts of God in this world, but never pursues them above God himself. The eyes of faith see the big picture and cause us to stake our life on it.”

I am always amazed and thankful how just the right message comes along to challenge and encourage me when most needed. This has been an extra stressful week for me, and as I reflect on each day, I see how God has spoken to me in each situation through the Word and through His people. Sometimes it took a little while for me to really hear and to exercise the faith I was reading about.

Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement as I continue to adjust to new challenges. Remembering that “Without faith it is impossible to please Him.”



Friday, May 29, 2009

Faith--fire in the heart!

I have appreciated the focus on faith that I have been reading in Indeed this week. I like the quote by Joseph Fort Newton; "Belief is the truth held in the mind. Faith is the fire in the heart." As you can guess, the primary Scriptural focus was on Hebrews chapter 11.

There seemed to be a lot in these readings that spoke to me. Here are a few quotes that I made note of and have been thinking through from time to time during the week:

"Faith doesn't hold on to worry and stress.

Faith doesn.t necessauily have all the details in place, but it always has in mind the One who holds all details in His hands.

Real faith is absolutely certain that the ivisible God has a visible answer for us.

He remains hidden to everyone who choosed not to see Him.

Faith honors God's faithfulness, His power, His love, and His wisdom.

A visible God would have lots of superficial followers.

Real faith has to outweigh our emotional comfort, our human logic, and our passion for understanding.

Faith enjoys the gifts of God in this world, but never pursues them above God Himself.

The eyes of faith see the big picture and cause us to stake our life on it."

A year ago today, I took Carol directly from the Oncologist's office to the hospital to determine the cause of her severe stomach usets. In the operating room it was determined that surgery could not be done, and her health went on a rapid down-hill slide from there. I remember writing about my hurting heart during that time and have to confess that there is still hurt there. These readings have

Friday, May 22, 2009


Yesterday would have been the birthday of a very special person; wife, mom, grandmother, Mimi and friend. This photo was taken on the day that she took her first of 51 chemo infusions that helped her to have many wonderful days with family and friends during her two and a half years of fighting cancer.

I was amazed how many people remembered the day and contacted me with words of support and encouragement. One couple, anticipating that it would be a difficult day for me, invited me to their home for dinner. It was a blessing to be with friends but I found my eyes drooping from time to time before heading home. I had been on the go since 4:30 am when I make my weekly trip to the warehouse to pick up donated bread items for the mission. The Lord continues to bless me through each of you, for which I continue to thank Him and want to also thank you!

This morning during our chapel time we had a report from one of our missionaries who just returned from Africa after several years of service. Her story was amazing as she told of open and responsive hearts and how the Lord had used the dreams of several individuals to open the door for her to tell them about Jesus, seeing their lives and desires dramatically changed. There are days when I feel tired and think that maybe this old guy should be thinking of taking it easier, but then when I hear reports like this one, I am inspired to "carry on" even when I may not feel like it. As the Lord continues to give me the health and strength I plan to continue in the role where He has placed me.

Have a blessed day!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Molded mud

This has been a rather busy, but enjoyable week. We have nearly thirty potential candidates spending four days with us at the office to determine how and where the Lord wants to use them. I have had the opportunity to interview several of them and am thrilled to learn how the Lord has been working in their lives and the experiences he has given them to prepare them for a lifetime of service for Himself. Some have come from “perfect” homes, some not so perfect and some have experienced horrible abuse that was difficult to deal with but through which they learned the love of God and His protection, and have a burden to be used of Him in others lives. Now they are searching for their place in the world to serve Him. Spending time with young people like that gives me a renewed hope for the future of this country and the world.

Friends continue to encourage me. Last weekend for Mother’s Day, I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from our “southern daughter” Connie. She was thinking of Carol and wanted me to have them in her memory. I was invited for dinner three times during the week and had some wonderful times of fellowship and delicious food. Last evening was a special time at a neighbor’s home with them and another couple that were former neighbors of mine.

I had a call from the wife of Carol’s cancer buddy John yesterday asking for special prayer. She caught a bad cold and is praying that she will not pass it on to John in his weakened condition with cancer. Please join me in praying for both John and Mary Ella. These are difficult times for them, similar to those that Carol and I faced about a year ago. Pray for grace, peace and strength, along with healing, as they fight the daily battles that can seem overwhelming at times.

Yesterday I read a devotional in Indeed; “We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” (I Corinthians 4:7) What a good reminder that we, as the author said, are “molded mud” so that God’s strength and power can be seen in us without putting the focus on the “pot.” It reminds me of the statement by John the Baptist when he said about Jesus; “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” (John 3:30) That sure is not the usual desire of my “flesh” but something that I continue to strive toward.

Thanks again for your encouragement and prayers. Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, May 08, 2009

Strength from struggles

There are times when it feels like my heart could break. Tonight marks ten months since we stood beside Carol’s bed as she took that last labored breath. I came home from the office this evening and did a little yard work but I have to admit that I am not too motivated. My goal these days seems to be to keep things looking good enough so as not to embarrass our dear neighbors.

I was reading Carol’s blogs from a year ago and reminded that we were still at the lake at this time after being at Justin and Laura’s shower in Michigan. Carol was having much difficulty with nausea and extreme tiredness and wrote on this day a year ago: “Someone sent this piece of wisdom: ‘It is from the struggle, not the victory, that we gain strength.’ And I was wishing my struggles to go away, at least for a little while. I need to focus on the strength I can gain from continuing to struggle.” I am sure that is good advice for me with my adjustments which certainly are nothing compared to what Carol faced.

Today prior to our prayer time at the office, we focused on the praise and worship of our Lord. I am so blessed to be part of such a wonderful group of encouragers. And I am reminded that praise and worship is where I need to direct my thoughts as I encounter struggles. This morning during my daily reading of The Message I started the book of Romans. A couple of verses come to mind; “Through him [Jesus] we received both the generous gift of his life and the urgent task of passing it on to others who receive it by entering into obedient trust in Jesus. You are who you are through this gift and call of Jesus Christ!”

I am thankful for that amazing gift and for the health and strength that He provides. Each of you dear ones are also a great blessing. Your calls and notes are always appreciated.



Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Back in Charlotte

The Chicago trip to welcome grandson Jeremy home on his return from Israel turned out to be a much larger event than planned. Our original plan was that Sue would come from Michigan and me from Charlotte but it turned into a family reunion. Sue and Jeff decided to go a day early and stay over night at a hotel. Justin and Laura joined them and James and Liz along with Joshua and Lydia came from Wisconsin. When we heard about their plans, Keith, Gavin, Calli and I all decided to join the group and to our surprise when we got to the hotel, Karin also joined us coming directly from her law classes. We had a wonderful time together that evening and then had a BIG surprise for Jeremy when he arrived.

What a tremendous experience he had studying in Israel this past semester. Our time went all too fast but we were able to hear about a few of his experiences. I know that we are all eager to hear more at a later date. Our time together was far too short, but we all needed to get back to our responsibilities. We will continue our visit together at a later date.

I returned to the lake where friends from Michigan stopped to spend some time with me on their trip home after five months in Charlotte and Florida. We had a fun time catching up with each other and working together on a few tasks. What a blessing friends and family are!

I drove back to Charlotte today and had a nice uneventful trip. The mountains are beautiful with the leaves displaying many shades of green and the Dogwood and Redbuds added extra color to the landscape. There has been plenty or rain so everything looks so fresh.

Tomorrow is an early morning for me. I will be at the office by 4:30 am to go pick up donated bread for the mission. It is a blessing to be able to supply the guest house and dining rooms with these free items. Also as we have extra, the folks working at the office get to benefit by it too. With that in mind, I had better get things put away and to bed early to catch up on my rest after a nearly twelve hour drive today.

Love to you all,


Friday, May 01, 2009

Trip went well

My trip to Indiana went well with a few showers along the way which I trust will continue on down to Charlotte where it is getting rather dry again. I found father swan on patrol in the lake so I am assuming that the mother is keeping the nest warm until the eggs hatch. Hopefully we will have some little ones by the next time I come. The water is so high this year that she was unable to use the usual nesting site and I am unable to see where she is located. Tomorrow I will go out on the water and see if I can find her.

I enjoyed dinner this evening with Keith and and the children at their home and plan to head back to the lake shortly, aiming for an early bed time. I was on the road at 5:00 AM so am feeling a bit tired now. With a good nights sleep I will be up and refreshed tomorrow.

I am thankful for your prayers and for another safe trip.

