Thoughts from Chuck
Today…January 4th…The date, we were told, was the earliest appointment available to see an oncologist, one whom we were not familiar…and we were assured that there was no way that we could get an appointment with our preferred oncologist or get on this cancer journey, until some time after that time.
Here we are at that date, with so much behind us, looking forward to the post-operative appointment with the surgeon tomorrow afternoon and the next oncologist meeting on Friday morning. Only our GREAT GOD could orchestrate anything like that. I am not sure how that all works, but He knew the urgency and responded to your many prayers. Thank you Father and dear friends!
For the third time, I am again this year, planning to read through the Bible using the New Living Translation of the One Year Bible. I have found that to be refreshing and a great blessing as well as a challenge the past two years. And I am excited about what God will be teaching me about himself as well as myself this year.
As I began reading on the first, I was again thrilled with that first chapter of Genesis “In the beginning God created…” and then in vs. 27 “So God created people in his own image:” WOW…I spent some time meditating on that little, but oh so BIG statement! If you let the Holy Spirit direct your thinking, you can spend a lot of time there. Then reading in Matthew “And she (Mary) will have a son, and you (Joseph) are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins”. When I got to Psalms, I could hardly contain myself. Check out Psalm 1:1-6…where we read about the joys of following the Lord…and vs. 6 “For the Lord watches over the path of the godly…”. Well that gives you a small sample of the beginning of the New Year for me. It is our prayer that 2006 will be a year of dramatic growth and maturity in the Lord, for each of us.
Recently I was reading an article by Chris Tiegreen, where he said “God speaks. You’ve staked your eternal life on that fact…Throughout history, God has spoken through priests and prophets, through visions and dreams, through a burning bush and a stubborn donkey. And He still speaks, even in the recesses of your heart.” I trust that each of us will tune in to His voice today.
We love you all,
Chuck…and Carol too
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