Shouts of Thanks
The Doxil rash is better already. Thanks for your prayers. Thanks to God for answering! Fresh need: my fingertips started peeling and cracking yesterday.
Last evening the SIM International office had its Christmas party. Just before dinner was served, about a dozen of us went outside to watch the International Space Station sail across the sky. Today, I understand, the shuttle is going to break away and return “home.” The food was great and so was simply being together. I’m happy to say that several got up and danced to the carol I introduced. Fun.
So many have expressed concern and encouragement about my rising cancer numbers. We appreciate you so much. We are aware that many of you face issues that are fully as troubling as my cancer, and we pray that God is giving you peace as he is giving us too. What would we ever do without him? He has promised to give us strength for each day. What a gift! I’m still feeling well—especially when I get enough sleep.
With each day’s strength, let’s praise God and encourage others. A friend sent this quote from H.R. Rookmaker: “We are not free to opt out of the period of history God has placed us in, nor opt out of the task he has given us to live as his children here and now.”
We’re leaving soon for a 12+ hour trip to our lake house in Indiana. The journey will be longer as we’re meeting Lisa’s flight in Fort Wayne on the way (due at 8:50 pm). We’d really like her flight to be on time.
We still don’t have internet access at the lake. I’ll post another update as soon as I can. We’re continuing to trust God to drive those cancer cells out. Surely he is not perplexed by CA 125! I’m grateful to those who are also praying for my cancer buddy. It seems his situation is more immediately dangerous than mine.
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