Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Friday, October 27, 2006

Who Needs a Compliment Today?

I read about a community leader who sat a few minutes in a police office waiting for an appointment. He was impressed by the patience and kindness of the rookie officer who was enduring his shift as receptionist with good grace, despite the angry callers and unruly "clients" who demanded his attention. Later that day, the leader called to express his appreciation to the rookie, only to be met with a long silence. Finally the young cop said, "Sir, I don't know what to say. No one has ever called with a compliment before." Hmm. . . I wonder who needs a call of appreciation today!

I received a long letter yesterday from a friend. She mentioned a friend of hers who is in cancer treatment and suffers so severely from chemo that her doctor hospitalizes her every time for five days after treatment. The letter went on, "If she had as many people praying for her as you do, would she also experience the good times you have had?" One can't help wondering. God keeps His own counsel. Two things I know for sure. First, knowing myself, I know I'm not feeling so well because I deserve to do so. On the contrary, my bad attitudes, lack of compassion, and self-absorption (I could go on) deserve the worst. Second, you who pray so faithfully for me are part of an amazing miracle from God. I don't deserve you either. But oh! How I thank you!

This morning my dear friend nurse will try to find a vein in order to draw blood for a CA 125 test. Maybe I should have arranged to get that port installed before today. In any case, we'll likely have a report on that tumor marker sometime Monday, and we'd surely be grateful for a lower number. God knows all about that too.



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