Bald again.
I kept feeling annoyed by loose hairs tickling my neck and face the last couple of days. Yesterday I reached up to try to remove a loose hair, and my hand came away with a fistful of hair. So today Karin did me the favor of shaving it all off--again. Even though it had begun growing back 15 months ago, it remained baby-fine and extremely sparse, so I'd never been able to go out without a hat or wig anyway. So no tears! I guess this new chemo is pretty powerful. I'm praying that it's as destructive to the cancer cells as it is to my follicles.
I've been spending time at the computer every day here at the lake, and yesterday I finished writing (or editing in a couple of cases) the complete first draft of the next edition of the SIM magazine. What a great feeling. This way, even if the chemo limits my work for a good part of the coming week, I won't be behind my schedule.
I read a lovely thing in 2 Chronicles 30:22 this morning. Hezekiah, the king of Judah, had led the people in a significant revival of worship of the true God, including a massive celebration of Passover, which brought an atmosphere of great joy throughout the city. Then this: "Hezekiah encouraged the Levites for the skill they displayed as they served the Lord." That seems a worthy example for all of us, especially if we're in a position of leadership or supervision of others. I hate to think how many people get only negative feedback at work or in their home. As though their paycheck were the only affirmation they need! If people around us display skill in their service, whatever it is, let's encourage them!
I won't be able to post a blog tomorrow, as we'll be traveling all day. Monday morning we should be at home and back in normal communication. I'll post a message, then go get blood drawn for a CA 125 test, and then go to work. I hope we can get tickets for "Body World" at a convenient time for all of us.
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