Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Family Time

These have been very special hours with the family this weekend. All of them arrived safely and the Lord gave Carol an amazing extra burst of strength to be out of bed most of the day enjoying each one. Carol was even able to sit at the piano and play three songs that she would like to have sung at her funeral. We all did our best to sing along, but with less than perfect voices. Later today, dear ones will have to head back home to resume the responsibilities that they set aside for this final good-by to Carol.

We received an email yesterday from a good friend in Chile, quoting from Thomas a Kempis that does quite well describing what we are experiencing:

"If I am left to myself, behold, I am nothing, and all weakness;
but if Thou suddenly look upon me, I presently become strong,
and am replenished with new joy."

We look forward to a few more family hours today, and will then be left with more wonderful memories that I trust will play in our hearts and minds as we cherish the final time that the Lord gives Carol this side of the curtain of REAL life.

Have a wonderful Lord's day with your family and friends.

Love to you all,

Chuck...and Carol too


At Sun Jun 29, 08:57:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger Karenvaughn said...

Dear Carol, I am a good friend of Anne Long. We were in the same Nursing class together and graduated in 1960. She sent me your blogs and I am very inspired by your strength in the Lord. I am sending you a poem I wrote a long time ago called "Stars".
My husband Pete and I will keep you in our prayers as well as all your family.
The poem did not copy in the right format but you can read it.

-By Karen Nelson Vaughn

Tiny stars
First one-
Then Two-
Then One hundred and Two.
A silent explosion of beauty.
Capturing the eye and something else within
Awakening an intangible feeling
Of awe and wonder, the greatness of God
Of our smallness but individual worth
Of being loved- heart to heart.
Mind to mind
For the God who created us
Helps us sing
Knowing that like the stars,
We are held in the palm of His hand.

God bless you.Even though I have never met you I love you.
Love Karen


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