A "Hallalujah" Day
Our dear friend Charles, who survived cancer and chemo a few years ago, called his good days "Hallelujah" days. Well, I had one yesterday! Not only was it special because Jeremy, Justin and Lora were here--not to mention my faithful husband Chuck. But also I felt well. Temperature normal. Ate dinner and kept it down. Walked to the lake and back. (In truth, I stretched an easy 10-minute walk to 25. But I made it). As dessert to the day, the Panthers beat the Bears. Good day, all of it.
"Hallelujah" is Hebrew for "praise the Lord." So really, every day, bright or dark, should be a hallelujah day, shouldn't it? I find that when I express praise to Jesus, it lifts me out of the yuck somewhat too.
Now the kids are driving back to Michigan. I'm asking for a bit of energy today to begin working on the next SIM magazine. First, a nap.
You wouldn't quit praying just because I had a good day, would you? I appreciate you so much!
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