Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Two True Stories

We saw the new movie, "Amazing Grace," yesterday. It's uplifting, sobering, and even funny in spots. Most of all, it's inspiring to see the courage and endurance of William Wilberforce, John Newton, and others in their fight against the slave trade. And disgusting to see how hard seemingly good people fought to preserve such an evil practice. I beg you to see it. Once you do, I think you'll wish you'd taken your children along. The English Parliament abolished the slave trade in 1807, 200 years ago, largely due to Wilberforce's brilliant efforts in Parliament. John Newton died that year. It wasn't until 1833 (the year Wilberforce died) that existing slavery was outlawed in the Commonwealth. To our shame, it took the U.S. 30 more years and a hellish war to do so.

The other true story is of my neighbor's physical examination last week. She told the doctor, "Please check my ovaries really carefully; my neighbor got ovarian cancer and by the time they discovered 15 months ago, it had gone to stage 4."

"Oh, I'm sorry," the doctor replied, "I suppose you miss her."

"No," said my neighbor, "she's actually doing pretty well. She even goes to work every day."

"Well, then," categorically, dogmatically said the doctor, "it wasn't stage 4. She'd be gone by now."

My neighbor told her it had been discovered in my lungs (therefore stage 4), and she told me later, "My doctor pretended to believe me, but I could tell she wasn't convinced."

I tell you that not because I love to keep talking about my cancer, but because it reminds us that there really is no natural explanation for my present well being. Whatever happens in the near or far future, always remember that by your prayers you were part of a daily miracle. Amazing grace!

I'm still puzzled. I don't understand why my life is extended, and a fantastic young father named Jeff is lying in hospice in Chicago with only days or hours left in his life. (Multiply that by thousands who will die today.) I know God is giving grace to him and his wife and beautiful teenage daughters and the church he served, but still I wonder...

Have a God-filled Sunday.



At Sun Feb 25, 03:05:00 PM GMT-5, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We also went to see "Amazing Grace" yesterday!! Great story and message! Continue to thank God for your stamina and lower CA125 count!Ray often gives patients FROGS when he visits them & one lady told us last week her Dr. let her keep hers right on her shoulder during double knee replacement! Opens many opportunities for witness. Sorry we didn't make it to the 50th reunion because of the blizzard here in MI. Know we missed a wonderful time!
Blessings, Barb


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