Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Last Words

I have been having a bit of internet trouble but hopefully that is now resolved thanks to good friends that come to my rescue. Hopefully this blog will go out.

It has been fun to have my cousin Joylynn spending a few days with me as she attends a conference in Charlotte. Visitors are always a blessing! Today I am having a few couples for dinner as we say good by to friends Royce and Beverly that faithfully come each winter to volunteer their labor at the mission. They are a tremendous encouragement to each of us.

I awoke this morning thinking about Easter which is soon coming and last recorded words. The last words of individuals are frequently some of the most memorable, often giving us a brief glimpse into their heart as they are about to face death and what their belief system offers them for the future. I noticed a list of several the other day. “Farewell my children. I go to your father.” (Marie Antoinette) “Oh do not cry. Be good children and we will meet in heaven.” (Andrew Jackson) “Lord help my poor soul.” (Edgar Allen Poe) “I die hard but am not afraid to go.” (George Washington) “See in what peace a Christian even dies.” (Joseph Addson, writer) We read that Jesus last words were; “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.”

As I was reading King David’s last words (2 Samuel 23) I was challenged by his words; “GOD’S Spirit spoke through me, his words took shape on my tongue. The God of Israel spoke to me…” God spoke to him and through him!

As I read that, I am challenged. First to be listening so that I hear Him speaking, and second to respond to what ever He is saying to me. I seems that I can get so occupied in my work, responsibilities, relationships or what ever, and fail to hear Him speaking. And thus be unavailable for Him to speak to or through me.

Lord, keep me from excessive busyness and oblivious to what you are wanting to say to me. Help me to be quick to hear what you are saying to me through your Word and ready to respond according to your will.

I trust that you all have a blessed weekend and new week.




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