Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Monday, June 19, 2006

Light in the Tunnel

Yesterday morning I wrote about tunnels. A dear friend responded with more insight on tunnels, especially this: “We are the light in the tunnel.” And a quote from Dr. Raymond Edman, former president of Wheaton College: “The railroad companies don’t build tunnels on side tracks.” Something to think about!

He also sent part of a hymn by Gerhard Tersteegen:
Midst the darkness, storm and sorrow,
One bright gleam I see.
Well I know that blest tomorrow,
Christ will come for me.

He and I in that bright glory,
One deep joy shall share.
Mine to be forever with Him,
And His that I am there.

Whatever tunnel you’re in, be the light there today. I’ll do my best in mine.

Our friend with lung cancer who suffered so terribly from chemo didn't gain the needed results, so today he begins seven weeks of radiation (five days each week) plus chemo on Wednesdays. The expected side effects are grim. "Dear God, please give mercy and grace to him and his wife."

For me, my prayers today are filled with praise. Every day I'm feeling stronger. God keeps reminding us that He is trustworthy.

Yesterday afternoon I uploaded a couple of cute photos; scroll on down if you'd like to see them.


At Mon Jun 19, 07:29:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning, Carol! I have a question for you. Do you read the blogs folks write? I read your daily postings and pray for you regularly. Your love and trust in our Beloved is such a blessing.

You have so grown in Him that He continues to flow through you like a fountain of Living Water. You are truly my heroine both in sickness and in health.

My love,
robin lee

At Mon Jun 19, 09:23:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol, I am checking your precious thoughts at Denny and Donna Morrill's home. We were able to attend the Trinity Old-Timers on June 15th. It was wonderful to connect with many folks of years ago (at least 15 yrs). We sat next to Joan and Norm Bell. You folks were mentioned and prayers spoken for you. Love, Connie Weller


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