Optional: My Anti-cancer Regimen
I'm really reluctant to do this, because I am not a medical or nutritional expert, and obviously I'm not well yet. So please, if you read this at all, take it as purely a friendly answer to the many who have asked what I'm doing to fight this disease (and why I seem to handle the chemo better than most). My first answer is always that God is answering the prayers of you all. What follows is simply my attempt to cooperate with Him.
Carol Wilson’s Anti-Cancer Regimen
From time to time, someone asks what I’m doing (besides surgery and chemo) to fight my cancer. I’ve done quite a bit of research, helped by my friends, and have made several lifestyle changes. We decided from the start not to get involved in any Multi-Level Marketing schemes, which has simplified things greatly.
The most important part of my anti-cancer plan is prayer. I pray often—day and night, Chuck and I pray together, our family prays, and hundreds of friends around the world are also praying for God’s great power to act in my body and spirit. He is our only Hope for this life and the next.
Here are the basics of our new lifestyle (in no particular order):
Filter on our showerhead to remove chlorine
Filtered water for drinking (64 ounces a day) and for cooking
9 hours sleep per night
No soft drinks and almost no coffee
Daily walk
Foods (everything listed is delicious):
As many organic foods as feasible and affordable
Fresh vegetables and fruits (thoroughly washed and rinsed) at least 7 servings per day
Whole grains only, none refined
Nuts, especially almonds
Sprouted whole grain cereals (e.g.., Ezekiel 4:9 cereal available in grocery stores)
Frequent smoothies (low-fat yogurt, frozen fruit, protein powder, vanilla & honey if needed)
1 T. Flaxseed oil, ½ c. low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt, 1 T. ground flax seed and fruit (3 x day)
OR the flaxseed oil and low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt with herbs, cider vinegar and veggies
(See curezone.com/letters/dr.Johanna_Budwig.asp for scientific explanation)
Small servings ( 1 x day) of wild salmon or skinless chicken, almost no red meat
I eat other healthy foods not listed here, such as eggs, cheese and whole grain pasta; occasionally I cheat.
(It’s smart to eliminate sugar. I read about a study showing that cancer cells that reproduce every two weeks take from 2 to 5 months to divide if deprived of sugar. I don’t have the study. I realize that everything we eat turns into some form of sugar, so I don’t understand this point. But, wanting to live, I have quit eating refined sugar.)
Supplements from pharmacy, SAMS or healthfood store:
Excellent multi-vitamin
Calcium citrate
Liquid minerals
Metamucil (1 heaping tablespoon in water 3 x day)
Supplements from private source:
Zynergy (12 drops per day)
MegaHydrate (4 capsules x day)
Shark Liver Oil capsules (4 capsules x day)
Enzymes (4 caplets x day)
Apricot pits (2 each meal)
Temporary (until chemo stops) to mitigate effects of chemo (all from pharmacy):
Vitamin B complex and Vitamin B12 (for neuropathy)
Iron (for anemia)
Cranberry Juice capsules (to guard against urinary tract infections)
I hope you’ll understand that since I’m not well yet, I can’t give a testimonial to any of these products, except that I have coped extraordinarily well with 8 rounds of chemo at this writing (June 17, 2006) and essentially I feel good. The above regimen takes a little extra time and expense, but I feel it’s worth it.
Explanation of Supplements
Zynergy increases the assimilation of other vitamins, minerals and monatomics, thereby increasing their potency and effectiveness, eliminates waste due to lack of bioabsorption, and increases the efficiency of oxygen, hydrogen, enzymes, amino acids, saccharides and polysaccharides. It takes only 3 drops of Zynergy 4 times a day to get results. There are several testimonies of cancer patients whose tumors and symptoms cleared up after taking Zynergy and MegaHydrate. The combination has also cleared joint pain for several patients. Zynergy ingredients: monatomic gold, silver, indium, boron, selenium, phosphorus, silicon and sulfur.
Megahydrate contains negatively charged hydrogen ions, as does the glacial water that promotes long healthy lives in the Hunza and Villacamba. The primary sources of hydrogen ions for the human body are fresh uncooked plants, fruits, vegetables and water. Due in no small part to mass food production, mineral deficient soil, pesticides, over-processing of foods, chemical preservatives, and over-chlorinating and over-fluoridating water, many do not get enough hydrogen ions. In that state, cell damage occurs as cells become oxidized. Positively charged chemicals are called free radicals or oxidants. These chemicals roam freely through the body stealing electrons from other cells. Free radicals damage cellular DNA. The active ingredient in MegaHydrate is silica hydride. It is the only known antioxidant that does not turn into a free radical once it has neutralized a free radical by donating an electron. Negatively-charged hydrogen turns into benign gas and/or combines with oxygen to form water. Silica hydride positively affects the “zeta potential (X)” of blood cells. Zeta potential is the electric potential, or charge, that exists in a hydrated particle and the surrounding solution. The greater the zeta potential, the more likely the suspension will be stable because the charged particles repel one another and thus overcome the natural tendency to aggregate. Zeta potential is an electrical charge that describes how far apart cells are. Toxins, viral matter, fungi, and bacteria trapped between cells can be expunged more readily. Water enters cells more easily. MegaHydrate is a dietary supplement that is considered a food grade supplement by the FDA. It is safe and has been tested and shown to have no known side effects. Silica Hydride Power proprietary blend: potassium citrate, silica, potassium carbonate, oleic acid, hydrogen negative ions.
Apricot kernels help boost the immune system.
Enzyme formula contains bromelain and pancreatin, which help eliminate dead cancer cells from the body and help the body utilize good nutrition.
Shark liver oil helps to counter angiogenesis. (Angiogenesis is a function of the body where unhealthy cells develop their own blood vessel structure in order to nourish and support themselves. The immune system uses certain compounds in the body to naturally counter angiogenesis. This normal body function is called anti-angiogenesis. Squalamine, a substance found in shark liver oil, is an aminosterol compound which the body readily uses to carry out its normal anti-angiogenesis function.)
Can you advise where zynergy can be bought? I have found very few references to it online, yours being one of the best!
Also, was quite moving reading some of your blog and witnessing your courage and determination.
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