Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Monday, June 04, 2007

Shine, Don't Blind

Great-grandson Joshua arrived at the lake on Saturday wearing this shirt. Yes, it's an announcement. "I'm the big brother." The baby is due the end of the year. We're celebrating already.

This year the swans have three cygnets. Look at this! The mothert is carrying them on her back!

Now we've moved into town to Karin and Keith's home, so the children can get off to school early this morning. Karin has arrived safely at the Katrina site in Mississippi and is ready to go to work this morning. Keith is in Boston.

The church service yesterday morning was wonderful. The songs reminded us how blessed we are to know God. "All of You is more than enough for all of me." They were sending a member family to Papua New Guinea for another term of working with a group of people for whom they are translating the Bible. What a cool family! And then the pastor said, "Don't be discouraged. If you're following Jesus, you ARE light. You ARE salt." It was great. His closing advice was, "Shine, don't blind. Shake [salt], don't pour." I think in his early years he had some negative experiences with obnoxious "witnessers."

We'll head home tomorrow. I'm still feeling well.




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