Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Sunday, November 18, 2007

If you have ovarian cancer . . .

From time to time, friends tell me they've referred women with ovarian cancer to this blog. If you're one of them, I think we need to stick together. (Isn't it amazing how much attention breast cancer gets, and how little is said about ovarian?) Please click on the word "comments" at the bottom of this posting. You may remain anonymous--no need to give your name or any other personal information unless you want to. If you write, I'll answer you by a comment on the same page. I believe we can encourage one another. Thank you. (Here's a quick summary of my story, in case you're new to the blog: I had surgery almost two years ago for stage 4 ovarian cancer. Doctors offered no hope of a cure. I've now had 46 chemo infusions, and I'm still functioning quite well. Chemo effects come and go. I'm indebted to all the friends who are praying for me. God is the source of my life, and He is my only hope. I'd love to hear your story.)

Thanks to all who prayed for Chuck; his mouth is much better today. And last evening he even made a gentle attempt to brush his teeth.

Speaking of brushing teeth, here's an amazing story. Some friends of mine have gone to share Christ's love with an ethnic group in Asia of 10 million people and not a single church. These people serve a religion of fear and hopelessness. So my friends recruited a bunch of Christians back home to pray for them during the two minutes they brush their teeth every day. A week ago, after a group meeting, one of the Asian women said, "Every morning when I am brushing my teeth I stand there in front of the mirror and ask God what I should do. I feel like I need to choose to believe the teachings of the Bible or the teachings of my people. It is very hard choice to make." She says she is asking God to make the truth known to her, and she believes wholeheartedly that she is willing to follow whatever path is true--even though the social consequences of turning to Christ would be huge. I think it's so cool of God to carry the tooth-brushing motif all the way to that remote location in Asia! And I'm wondering about my own empty brain while I'm brushing my teeth!



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