Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Friday, March 07, 2008

Let there be light

Yesterday's blog talked about light replacing darkness. Our daily reading in indeed was about the same subject. Then last evening, trying to stay awake until bedtime, I picked up a book that's been lying--unread--for years on our coffee table. Titled Beginnings, by Spencer Marsh, the opening chapter is, predictably, about the creation of light. What an amazing invention by the Creator! Marsh plays with the idea that God may have taken time to play for awhile with His newly created light.

"Can you visualize it--some time before time--before earth--God alone with His light? See Him shape it first into a giant kaleidoscope in which He views the milliard sparkling colors. Then unrolling and whipping it into space, He watches the uncountable array of colors unfurling into a spectrum-ordered, endless parade.

"Rolling it up again, He hurls it out into the waiting darkness, this time allowing each individual color to create its own inimitable display. And they do. Splashing, slashing, smearing and streaking, swirling, dotting and blotching. Color shimmers and shines across the endless canvas of space.

"Again He pulls the light together and shapes it into radiant beams--prismed flashes of brilliance--elongated, shining, inexhaustible. He then flings them out at 186,000 miles per second, watching them arc and return, leaving luminous boomerang paths across the endless voids.

"Then He lets the light go. It spreads and radiates to an evenness which now makes it possible to discern its source. (As yet there is no sun.) He is the source.

"After darkness, there is light. There always will be."

I haven't thought this much about light for a long time, maybe ever.

The visit with our special friends yesterday was wonderfully encouraging. We talked and talked and talked some more. We are so blessed. Chuck took them to see the Billy Graham Library while I took a nap. My energy is certainly slow to come back. I'm thankful to have control over the nausea.

Have a blessed day.


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