Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Saturday, April 19, 2008

How do you respond?

Some ask “how are you doing” with a sincere interest, others simply to pass the time of day. Yesterday a friend put his arm around me and simply said “I’m praying.” I needed that right then! My very gifted wife said it so well when she said “At the moment, I’m not very interested in platitudes.”

This past week, one of our SIM couples returned from having served in a very difficult situation overseas, and were scheduled to speak in chapel. After we had prayed for the appointed countries that day along with some other urgent needs, the couple was called forward to speak. As the fellow started to speak, he burst into tears and was unable to speak for a minute or so. When he finally regained his composure, he said “Really I am not a basket case. I was just so moved by those prayers for all of these people, and reminded of how your faithful prayers sustained us during a difficult term.” He went on to give an exciting report of how the Lord was working in that part of the world. It had been a hard time for them but it was clear that God was working.

I can relate. After over two years of fighting Carol’s cancer I would think that every emotion has been experienced. But as we face this next phase, I confess that I feel like being hit by a truck. The distant future is clear...but what about the near future? As I think back over the past two years, I am overwhelmed by the goodness of God and of our family and friends.

As I was at the computer yesterday, a Skype message popped up on my screen from daughter Sue. “You there?” After chatting about this new turn of events, to my great surprise she said that she was working on travel plans asking, “Want your personal nurse to visit?” Within a couple of minutes she had a flight scheduled to arrive later today, returning to Michigan Tuesday after our meeting with the Oncologist. Well, I felt like the fellow above as I “talked” with her via Skype through my tears of gratitude. Isn’t God good?

These have been difficult months, but at the same time good months for both of us. We believe that we have learned a few things while having some fantastic opportunities with family and friends which likely would not have happened if we were not living with cancer. No, we would not have chosen this path, but we are grateful for the extra months of blessing from the Lord and the wonderful unexpected blessings along the way. Each of you is part of that blessing.

Our love to you all,

Chuck...and Carol too


At Sat Apr 19, 08:18:00 AM GMT-5, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Courage is not the absence of fear but the judgment that something else is more important than fear."

This entire journey that you have unwillingly taken with willing courage, this path you did not choose but down which you are being led, has become an indelible blessing for so many others.

You are blessing me, and many others around me, by openly sharing your journey with us. We take courage in the face of fear in our own lives because we see you grab hold of courage ("the judgment that something else is more important") in the midst of spiraling uncertainties in your lives.

Know also that you are blessing God (Ephesians 1:3-4) as you attempt each day, as far as that day's courage allows, to flesh out what it means to live for Jesus.

Thank you for you, Chuck and Carol, each of you individually and the two of you together, for honoring and blessing God and for honoring and blessing the rest of us by allowing us to walk alongside your journey.


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