Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tears teach

Thanks to each of you for your continued prayers. They were especially appreciated as I prepared to speak to the Harbor of Hope group which is primarily made up of cancer patients and caregivers. I recognized that this would be a difficult topic but when praying about it the Lord seemed to be telling me to do it. Numerous approaches came to mind with the predominate thought of keeping it light and not too personal to avoid displaying any emotions. As I thought about it, I realized that most likely that would be of little help to those in attendance so I decided to use some notes that Carol and I had written.

I went back over journal entries and well over a thousand blogs. Many times the tears formed as I read about the events of the day and our reactions to them, and at times I really wondered if I could do it. As you prayed God gave me the strength and I made it through without too much emotion. I trust that in some small way it will be a help to those who are dealing with cancer either as a patient or caregiver.

This morning as I was reading on the patio watching several busy birds tending nests and coming back and forth for a drink or a quick dip to clean their feathers, I was amazed to find a comment about tears by Jane Rubietto in the Indeed. She wrote; “Tears of course, are one of our universal symbols. Though some people cry more than others, scientists say that the chemicals in tears differ depending on the emotion launching those tears. What I know is that they teach us about our own hearts, our needs, and anxieties. They teach us about our past. They guide us into other people’s souls, these salt-water drops that burst or drip or puddle. They are a type of spiritual discipline, if we will but notice. When we pay attention to them, whether our own or another’s tears, we grow. Tears water our soul.” I liked that thought…we grow from tears the water of our soul.

This morning I took little Silas and his parents out to pick strawberries. What fun it was to watch the little guy tank up on the bright red berries, fresh from the plant. We had to laugh as we put him into the car with bulging tummy and very juice-stained face, hands, legs and clothes. But he was one happy picker. I was reminded that like a little child, I too need to appreciate the many simple things coming my way each day.

I trust that you will have a blessed Sunday.




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