This morning is my final appointment with my surgeon. It's been about 12 weeks, and I expect him to say I'm fully recovered from the surgery and can return to the "Y." I really need to do that. (I wish I were of the generation that loves to work out.)
Yesterday afternoon I was struck with a sudden and deep fatigue. It reminded me to take the aranesp injection which I do every 2 weeks for anemia. I went to bed right after dinner, and feel more rested this morning. My face still has most of its feeling, thank the Lord.
The Song of a Bird in a Winter Storm
The soft, sweet summer was warm and glowing,
Bright were the blossoms on every bough.
I trusted Him when the roses were blooming--
I trust Him now.
Small was my faith should it weakly falter
Now that the roses have ceased to blow.
Frail was the trust that now should alter,
Doubting His love when storm clouds grow.
It's good to know that God is trustworthy, "whatever the weather."
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