What if?
Sometimes my brain goes off in its own direction.
To next Monday: what if they can't find a good vein?
To next summer: what if the cancer comes roaring back?
To next year: what if I can't continue to be my grandchildren's friend?
Then a wiser voice prevails: What if God changes?
And I smile. I know He won't. And if He won't change, none of the other "What ifs" matter.
At my follow-up visit with the surgeon yesterday, he said I'm doing great and can do whatever I want to do. "Even the YMCA?" I asked. "Yes," he said. "I was wishing you'd say no," I joked, "Because I don't like to exercise." "Okay," he laughed, "No--whatever you want." We both chuckled, and of course I'll go back to the "Y" whether I like it or not. I'm thankful to have recovered from surgery so completely.
I'm thankful for your prayers.
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