Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Thursday, June 22, 2006


These are pomegranate blossoms. The nursery manager told us when we bought the tree that if we expected fruit, we’d have to water it generously every day. We wouldn’t dream of adding a job like that to our lives, but we liked the picture of the blossoms so planted it anyway. The first few years were iffy, but now we’re getting rewards like these. Aren’t they splendid?

The blood test yesterday looked okay. My white blood cell count has zoomed way above normal, and my hemoglobin is only .1 away from anemia. But the nurse said No problem, Go! So we’re planning to go. One more set of results is due back tomorrow, but we didn’t bother to check the CA 125 this time.

Izak Dinesen, author of Out of Africa, said, “You know you are truly alive when you are living among lions.” If cancer cells can be likened to lions, and they certainly feel like them sometimes, then we’re in a perfect place for being truly, consciously alive.

The son of some SIM workers was wounded by an improvised explosive device near Kirkuk in March. He’s going to be all right, but it’s a reminder again to be praying for both military personnel and civilians in many locations where the “lions” are roaring. I love this young man’s attitude. He writes, “Despite everything that has happened, there is no way I can feel anything but thankfulness, especially as I was the only one hurt in the explosion.” (Now honestly, he could just as well have been saying, “Why me?”) And: “I’m glad that I learned a long time ago that each day happens, and no amount of worrying makes any difference. It is hard to remember all the time, but that doesn’t make it untrue. God really does give you the strength for each day as it comes.” This young man makes us proud.

We plan to leave at 3:00 a.m. tomorrow for Indiana. Then all six of us will head west on Saturday morning. I'll blog whenever I can. I won't forget to pray for you, and I continue to be so grateful for and dependent on your prayers. (My nutritional regimen has gotten to be a good habit here at home, but I realize it will be a new challenge on the road. I'll do my best.)

Carol...for Chuck too


At Thu Jun 22, 06:41:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Ella called Wed. PM and they
are so happy and thankful for the
"health food" you brought them.
We will be praying for a safe trip
and lots of fun.

At Thu Jun 22, 08:44:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Speed on your trip, my dear one. Carol, is there no more treatment available? I was under the impression that you were trying some new cocktail of treatment.........

Oh I pray your vacation is sweet and restful and fulfilling. May you be kissed not only by your dear family but by the Lord in every moment of this trip. I'll be praying for you, my friend.

Love, Robin

At Thu Jun 22, 09:27:00 AM EST, Blogger Corazon Latino said...

Have a great time away. I will miss reading you every day but I will continue to pray.

At Thu Jun 22, 09:49:00 AM EST, Blogger Carol Wilson said...

Thanks for your loving comments and for your prayers.

Robin, yes there is treatment still available. I have another dose of last week's chemo scheduled for our first day back in Charlotte, July 11. The supplements I'm taking provide two benefits: they help me withstand the assault of the chemo and they help my body heal itself with the natural materials the Creator intended. Thanks for asking.

At Thu Jun 22, 12:05:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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