Slow Learner?
Last evening I was reading a bulletin from the SIM director in New Zealand, and came across a little column titled "Things I've Learned." I guess I'm a slow learner, because for some of the principles I'm still in the classroom. I'll pass along a few points, but I'm calling it "Things I'm Learning."
Things I'm Learning
I'm learning...that just one person saying "You've made my day!"
makes my day.
I'm learning...that being kind is more important than being right.
(Only God can always be both.)
I'm learning...that life is like a roll of toilet paper;
the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
I'm learning...that money doesn't buy class.
I'm learning...that under everyone's hard shell is
someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
I'm learning...that the Lord didn't do it all in one day.
Why should I think I can?
I felt well and strong all day yesterday. The CD containing the copy for the next magazine should arrive at the designer by noon today. We are so blessed to live where systems work, things usually happen on schedule, and technology amazes. (The last couple of photos I needed arrived by e-mail one hour before I had to take the whole thing to the mail room. Close--but in plenty of time.)
It seems the neuropathy in my feet is a bit worse. I'm taking nutritional supplements to help with that, but after all, I've had 11 very large doses of kemo with more to come. Could you help us pray about my feet? The other area of concern is gut-related.
Small perfections are delightful. I noticed an example on the card on which my friend tatted notes for "Great Is Thy Faithfulness." There's a spot on the last line where the bass and tenor parts sing the same note. So she used the tenor color for the top half of the tiny circle and the bass color for the bottom half. If you look closely at a blossom or a leaf or even a blade of grass, you see the same detailed precision. Creative gifts surely come from the Creator!
Jeremy is back and again filling our home with the happy sounds of piano practice. He had a terrific visit in Michigan with his friends and family. His blog is
Have a great day.
We will pray for the feeling to
return to your feet - thanks for
being specific. I had the best
news yesterday at Duke -- HE is
healing my eye!!!! I have NONE of
the bad side effects of this
disease and Dr. Jaffe had pictures
made and told me good bye. I slept
until 8:00 this morning - I usually
get up at 4:00! Looking forward to
my copy of SIM. Going to the wedding on Saturday and then about
l0 days of vacation "somewhere".
Brother Steve has allotted two
mornings to just be with us - we
are so thankful. Jay's beloved
father-in-law is in ICU at Johns
Hopkins, so Jay and Victoria won't
be at the wedding. I'm so filled
with His joy this morning!
At Duke an older lady (8l) came
around with a cart of fresh coffee.
Everyone was sitting on both sides
of a long hall with horrible eye
diseases waiting for Dr.Jaffe and
having tests done. No one was saying a word, just looking nervous. She went up to an older
man and asked him if he was married
and he said his wife had died and
the "coffee lady" said her husband
had died too - want to go out tonight? We all started laughing
and it never ended. She told one
older, lonely man what she was
having for supper and didn't he
want to come home with her. Joe
had coffee and had to go relieve
himself and she said "I make younger men run". I later heard
her talking to a young boy about
Jesus. She introcuced us to a very
young girl that has been flying in
for 5 years from Buffalo, NY. What
a treasure she is.
Thank you so much for your prayers!
Wow! What a wonderful answer to prayer. (Actually, there are several answers here.) I'll let everyone know about your eye in tomorrow's blog.
Enjoy your vacation--and your sleep.
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