Knee, Voice, Hands, Feet, and Soul
I've been thinking how "body" relates to soul. God certainly intends all of us--body, soul and spirit--to respond to Him. I got stuck in the second chapter of Philippians for a few days, and once I overlooked the paragraph headings, I found a wonderful sequence of body responses. Verse 10 - every knee will bow to Jesus
Verse 11 - every tongue will confess He is Lord
Verse 12 - put into action God's saving work in your lives, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. (I figure this takes hands and feet and all the rest.)
Verse 13 - For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey Him and the power to do what pleases Him. (See? None of it is worth a stick unless it comes from the soul, the "desire and power.")
Last night Jeremy and I sang and played our way through his wonderful book, All the Best Songs of Praise and Worship. It was so good! We made up in volume and enthusiasm what we certainly lacked in finesse and accuracy. "Blessed Be Your Name" rang in my mind through the night.
Yesterday I finally called a woman I'd been urged to call way back in January. At that time she was in remission from ovarian cancer. I found out that her remission lasted only 5 months, and by February her tumor marker count was zooming up again; chemo is again bringing it down. Hers wasn't as high-stage as mine to begin with. Her quick relapse reminds me to be diligent in my anti-cancer regimen, and most especially in prayer and Fully Relying On God. And to be thankful! Even if I never achieve a medically defined remission, my life is full and rich. God is good.
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