What's Really Important?
In yesterday's mail was a card with this: "In the last few years I have found 'stuff' to be more and more of a burden." And by e-mail a friend who serves with Wycliffe Bible Translators sent me a thought from their chapel service yesterday:
I have set the LORD always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will also rest secure... (Psalm 16:8-9, NIV). "The goal of our mission is that people from all the nations worship the true God. But worship means cherishing the preciousness of God above all else, including life itself. It will be very hard to bring the nations to love God from a lifestyle that communicates the love of things. Therefore, God ordains in the lives of His messengers that suffering sever our bondages to the world. When joy and love survive this severing, we are fit to say to the nations with authenticity and power: 'Hope in God.'" ---John Piper, Let the Nations be Glad
I'm grateful for everything that happens that "severs bondage" to things, as long as joy and love survive and as long as we come to cherish the preciousness of God above all else. He is that!
Thanks so much for praying for my arm. I spoke with the kemo nurse yesterday, and while she will make a procedural change next time to prevent a recurrence, she says if it were becoming necrotic (a danger of one of the drugs we're using) it would be an open mess by now. (It was never terribly painful; it's only knowing what could happen that causes concern. That's probably true for much of life.)
Would you be willing to lift up a prayer for 25-year-old Heather? Her Christian mother and stepdad love her deeply, but she's an angry and sick woman. Diagnosed bi-polar, she doesn't take her medicine; she has abandoned two precious daughters, lives by mooching and stealing, and has physically threatened her parents. God loves her and He's the only one with power to do something and with wisdom to know what to do. Thanks.
Your love and prayers are a daily encouragement.
I pray, Father, for your favorite daughter Heather. Carol and I come into agreement with the words of Jesus to us when He said, "If two or more of you agree on anything touching my will, it shall be done." Father, we are confident it is your will that Heather's soul and Heather's spirit align themselves with freedom and order and correct thinking which Jesus purchased for Heather on the cross. So, Father, Carol and I agree right now with Jesus's actions and together with His sacrifice on the cross for Heather we cancel, defeat and pry loose from Heather those things that are binding her to any spirit other than Jesus's. Father we loose You upon Heather. Father, we speak the peace and love of Jesus into and upon Heather. Father, in the name of Jesus, we speak Shalom into Heather. And we thank you, Father. Amen.
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