Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Friday, November 10, 2006

How Much Faith Does it Take?

We're going to study Hebrews 11 Sunday morning. Tom's class letter arrived yesterday, with some big encouragement. He writes, "Faith does not have to be gigantic. Some heroes of faith weren't any more spiritual giants than you or me." He reminds us that when the 12 disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith, He didn't give them a growth formula but rather expressed His approval of any size faith they might have--even "faith as small as a mustard seed" (Luke 17:6). Tom goes on, "The point for Jesus is not how big or strong your faith is, but that you use it, live it, act on the faith you have. It's not the size of our faith that makes a difference, any size faith connects with the same-sized God." The same-sized God! What a thought! Big enough to do anything. And so happy when His kids trust Him that He pushes all His power in their direction. No matter how scared they are or how trembling is their faith. As soon as I click Send here, I'm going to read Hebrews 11, and remember that ordinary people by faith can connect with our extraordinary God.

I'm really feeling better. Thanks for your prayers. I still realize that I need a lot of sleep, but I'm so thankful to be doing so well. I have a sore developing on a small toe. That's one of the things to watch for on Doxil. But maybe it's only a blister. The doctor's office closes at noon on Friday, and besides my doctor is in Thailand right now. I guess I'll trust God with it and treat it like an ordinary thing rather than kemo-related. (Have you noticed how big things seem to people with cancer?)

Jeremy (grandson) is in the city of Niamey, Niger, for a few days, so we've been able to be in touch. Chuck has installed Skype on our computer, so it's free. You know, I'm not very keen about technical things, and often in my life technical things have let me down. (A microphone fails, or a projector bulb burns out, or a computer crashes.) Still, with the small trust I have in things technical, and the even smaller understanding I have of how they work, I can click on a box and if Jeremy is also online, we can speak to each other! He's having the time of his life, and it looks like the young people in his town like him a lot.



At Fri Nov 10, 05:54:00 PM EST, Blogger Hannatu said...

Oh yes! They do like him a lot. It's great having him with us. You have a grandson you can be proud of!


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