Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Just after I finished the blog (about 5:00 AM in Madison) yesterday, Carol called. She was “bubbling” about the delightful time she had with James, Liz and little Joshua. Their dinner plans worked out so well, and her visit with Paul and Barb was wonderful. Being with brother Phil and his wife Nancy has been so special too, and they have been so helpful making arrangements to spend time together at a motel and being her personal chauffer. Most of all, she was thanking the Lord for the health and strength to make this trip, and for all of our friends and family members that continue to uphold us in prayer. Every day that the Lord gives us to serve Him here and to enjoy all of you is a tremendous blessing!

In May, Lord willing, Carol will pass a special milestone. For her 70th, the girls and I have been planning an open house/reception on May 26th for all of you friends and family that can make it. When I told Carol about it, she was excited about having a chance to express our appreciation for all of the encouragement that you have been to us. But she made it clear that this is not to be about her, but a time to connect with dear ones and thank them for their love and encouragement. So she says “no cards, gifts or focus on her, just share the time in thanksgiving and encouragement with each other “

For any of you that may be driving in from a distance, we have an arrangement with a motel close by that gives us an attractive rate. This is a holiday weekend (Memorial Day on Monday) so they will fill rapidly. To get these rates we have to make reservations through our office. For more details just send me an email:

For some reason, my computer is not obeying me. It locked up and lost what I had typed. I am now reconstructing the blog on my laptop, and will attempt to transmit it from here. Okay, that’s one way of keeping it short…Time is slipping by and I have a full day ahead of me.

Thanks for all of your encouragement and prayers. Carol will be leaving Milwaukee at 9:00 AM today, arriving in Charlotte at 1:40 PM if all goes as planned. Needless to say, I will be delighted to have her back. I am certain that she will have much to share on her return.

Our love to you all,

Chuck…and Carol too


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