Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Monday, August 25, 2014

Get Out of the Boat!

I arrived safely at the lake in Indiana Thursday and have been keeping quite busy catching up with the family and dealing with little maintenance items that always seem to accumulate.  I just came in from removing a large paper-wasp nest for the next door neighbor.  This seems to be that time of year.  We had to deal with a big nest of yellow jackets earlier that moved into the partition, entering through a small hole next to the gas line.  I gave up counting them after going beyond 150, but fortunately they seem to be conquered now!  Sunday we saw Keith off on a business trip to Germany, and today I spent a few hours mowing the lawn which is growing well with the warm weather and a heavy rain.  Tomorrow Karin and I will drive to Bethel College to spend some time with Gavin & Calli.  It’s hard to believe that this is Gavin’s last year at Bethel, and the start of interviewing medical schools for next year.

During my trip I received an email from friends in Lansing asking if I could stop by, so I am planning to travel that way as I visit the family.  I know that there are far more people that I would like to visit than time will allow, but I plan to connect with as many as possible along the way.

Sunday we were challenged by Pastor Denny to “Get Out of the Boat” and exercise our faith.  Reminding us of Peter’s exercise of faith in stepping out of the fishing boat to go to Jesus (Matthew 14:28-32), we were challenged to examine what our “safe boat” is and to step out like Peter, in faith, proceeding toward what God is calling us to.  Some things mentioned were being more intentional in our conversations, giving God more of our time, being more purposeful in our giving, and expanding our involvement in Christ honoring activities.  We were warned of the ease of becoming “boat potatoes”.  I had to stop to think about that for a couple of seconds! 

I trust that your weeks is going well and appreciate so much your encouragement and prayers.

Love to all,



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