He Rides the Wings of the Storm
In the Exodus (chapter 10 and 14), God frequently used stormy winds to accomplish His purpose to deliver the Israelites from their slave-holders in Egypt. Storms seem threatening, until we can see them as God's instruments for our good.
Though winds are wild,
And the gale unleashed,
My trusting heart still sings:
I know that they mean
No harm to me,
He rides upon their wings. (from "Streams in the Desert" March 12)
I pray--both for myself and for all of you who are encountering storms--that He Who rides on the winds will accomplish all His good purpose.
The nephew of my brother-in-law has been suffering severely from colorectal cancer and a full range of ineffective medical interventions. A couple of days ago he contracted painful shingles. I wonder if you'd lift up a prayer for him. He surely needs deliverance from pain. He's also in great need of hope and encouragement. Thanks for praying.
I'm feeling a little good pain this morning, not from cancer or chemo but from an "honest" half-day's work in the garden. It was such a gorgeous day. We walked around the pond before sunrise. Spent most of the morning running errands and buying yard supplies. Then, of course, we had to use those supplies. At 5 pm I collapsed in the recliner and actually slept a half hour. After that, I did no more work except prepare and clean up dinner, and I think we both hit the bed by 8 pm. What a marvel it is to have this much energy at this stage in the chemo--and what a blessing it is to be able to sleep through the night. I am so thankful for your prayers and for God's goodness.
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