Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Spring is Hope. We're enjoying a gorgeous spring here in Charlotte, and every dead-looking twig that bursts into leaf, every bare patch of mulch that yields to bright blooms, all sing of Life out of apparent death! It's a fitting season to reflect on the passion and death of Jesus, and His irrepressible life that won the war against sin and hopelessness.

George Matheson, a blind preacher in Scotland many years ago, wrote, "My dear God, I have never thanked You for my thorns. I have thanked You a thousand times for my roses but not once for my thorns. I have always looked forward to the place where I will be rewarded for my cross, but I have never thought of my cross as a present glory itself. Teach me, O Lord, to glory in my cross. Teach me the value of my thorns. Show me how I have climbed to You through the path of pain. Show me it is through my tears I have seen my rainbows."

Remember my childhood friend for whose multiple physical problems we prayed some weeks ago? I just learned that her husband has been diagnosed with cancer. I feel numb with sadness for them. Jesus is her true Rock, but her dear husband provides the hands and feet for her care, and now he will need care too. Dear God, please carry them!

I felt so well yesterday that I went to work in the afternoon and then in the evening did a bit of yard work. I'm so grateful for your prayers and interest.



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