Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Monday, September 25, 2006

Jeremy's blog address

Jeremy's blog is A few of you have asked for that. His e-mail is He'll probably have internet access only once a month.

Almost a year ago we had to say goodby to our much-loved pastor, Charles Page, who went home after nine years of living with multiple myeloma. Yesterday we had to say goodby to his wonderful executive pastor, Tom Crow, and his wife Jackie; they're moving to another city. Oh! We'll miss them! Next week Thursday we'll have to say goodby to Jeremy when he leaves for Niger. Missionaries tell us that saying goodby is one of the hardest things they have to live with. The time will come when we'll say "Goodby" to goodbyes forever!

Several days ago I wrote about my feeling that so far cancer has done me more good than harm, and I said I know I'm going to die some day unless Jesus comes for all of us first. I'm not among those who shrill, "The end is near," because times are so bad. The times have always been bad for some people in some places. Still, He will come and He could come any time. I hadn't realized that one-fifth of the Bible is prophecy, and one-third of those prophecies relate to His second coming. There are 224 Old Testament prophecies still to be fulfilled when He comes again. Jesus Himself spoke 25 times about His return. And In the New Testament there are more than 50 exhortations for us to be ready for His coming. My grandmother lived every day with the hope that He would come that day. She got to make her private journey to heaven 21 years ago and I'm sure she was content with that. She, along with the rest of heaven's occupants, is now surely anticipating the day when God will bring everything together in Christ and set everything right--just as He promised. Now that's a thought to live with today.

I'm not back to full energy yet but feeling pretty well, and I plan to go to the office today. I'm so grateful for your prayers. The CA 125 test I get tomorrow should have a report by Wednesday, and I'll post the result as soon as I hear. Let's agree ahead of time, though, that whatever it is, it's still only a number and God's the one in control here, okay?

Our Sunday School friend with lung cancer has his scan tomorrow. My loving sister-in-law has hip replacement Wednesday. A dear prayer partner needs a job. God, You are able and faithful!



At Mon Sep 25, 09:36:00 AM GMT-5, Blogger Jeremy said...

Hey grandma...if you could change my email address to that'd be great. I don't check the Juno quite as often. But if an email gets sent there, I'll still get it...just a long way around. Love you!


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