Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Monday, August 13, 2007

Red-Letter Christian

Tony Campolo calls himself a red-letter Christian. He’s referring to the editions of the Bible that print all the words of Jesus in red ink. In fact, I believe the entire Bible is God’s Word. Nevertheless, I’m inspired to pay special attention to the words Jesus himself spoke in the Gospels as I proceed in my chronological reading to the New Testament in a few days. The thing is, Jesus not only came to die for our eternal redemption. He also spoke words that transform the way we live the life he gives us here on earth—instructions for moral living, and also his demand that we help those in need. These issues are not theoretical.

Modern slavery is one such issue. The on-line voting for the grant to the International Justice Mission is now complete, and starting today Rezoom will announce, over the next few weeks, which organization got it. I hope it was IJM! (I did my small bit to vote every day.) Now I’m reading and looking for further action steps, in addition to boycotting slave-produced chocolate. I think there are ways of badgering politicians to exert their influence against the governments that are known to sponsor or wink at slavery, such as Burma (Myanmar), China, and Sudan.

Citizen action in the U.S. was responsible for the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act enacted in 2000, and strengthened in 2003 and 2005. It looks like enforcement of that Act has already reduced present-day slavery in the USA by a third. (Yes, in the USA! Both various kinds of sex slavery and also labor slavery—some of it under our very noses.)

On another front, yesterday we signed up for after-school tutoring in one of Charlotte’s very troubled neighborhoods. As you probably discerned, our attempt to be part of an after-school ministry earlier this year never happened; I guess the person in charge couldn’t pull it together. This tutoring program seems to be well-established, and it should take off again sometime in September. Needless to say, we’ll need to select a day of the week when chemo is least likely to interfere. Stay tuned…

An amazing thing happened in Sunday school yesterday. Teacher Tom invited all who wished to gather round my chair while one of our friends led in a prayer for both Chuck and me at this time of special challenge. I can’t tell you how moving and encouraging that was. And yesterday afternoon I received a phone call from the friend who received a donated kidney only last Monday--promising continuing prayer for me. She’s at home and doing well; what a trooper she is!

Chemo begins at 9:45 this morning. I’m praying it will be very mean to the cancer. Thanks for all your caring and prayers.



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