Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Monday, April 20, 2015

Finishing Well

As I continued reading 2 Kings this morning, I was thankful for the positive examples of Hezekiah, one of the few kings that “did what was right in the eyes of the LORD” according to 18:2.  Around 700 years earlier God sent venomous snakes while His people were in the wilderness, but had instructed Moses to fashion a bronze snake placing it upon a pole to protect His people from death if bitten.  They were protected from the venom by simply looking at the bronze replica (Numbers 21:8).  Over the years that life-saver became an idol that the Israelites were worshiping, rather than worshipping their God who provided the protection.  (2 Kings 18:4)  As Hezekiah proceeded to break up and tear down all worship centers other than those to the True God, he also smashed the snake, one of their idols.  As he proceeded to remove other idols, we read that “there was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him.  He held fast to the LORD and did not stop following him…And the LORD was with him; he was successful.”  As he was nearing death, he cried out to the Lord for additional years, and the Lord graciously gave him 15 more.  (20:6)   As we continue to read about his life, it appears that a measure of pride may have crept in as I read about the Babylon group that he took on “tour” to see all he had amassed in his storehouses.  (20:12-13)  When Isaiah reported that the Lord would eventually remove everything, (20:16) it appears that Hezekiah did not repent but thought with his limited years, he would not be dealing with it in his lifetime.  Not finishing as well as he could and should have!

I find Hezekiah’s life both a good reminder for me to watch what I may be making into an idol, and to keep my primary focus on the one who literally gave His life for me, Jesus Christ.  Evaluating the use of my remaining days, that they might be in obedience to his Word and the leading of His Holy Spirit.  That may sound easy, but it is a constant challenge for me to avoid the many pitfalls of not finishing well.

I am still working on balancing my medications to avoid nasty side effects, but definitely making good progress.  Thanks for your continued prayers and concern.

Love to all,


Monday, April 13, 2015


Those of you who continually check these blogs, have likely noticed that they have become fewer and farther between.  It has not been due to excessive busyness but rather a problem with medication that has caused some rather major challenges for me.  I have been taking a new medication for around nine months which did greatly improved my breathing, but the side effects became rather serious.  If it had not been for my friend Mark, I likely would be still rapidly continuing to go downhill!  I never can thank him enough for his directness and honesty in confronting me when he identified unusual inconsistency in my communications with him.  I initially intended to slowly cut back on the medication for fear of causing major breathing problems, but was then advised to drop it totally due to past history with others taking the drugs.  I am still trying to balance out some other plan to keep breathing as easily as possible.  It has been well said; “When you can’t breathe, nothing else matters!”  Do pray that the appropriate medication plan can be found shortly.

Presently I am in Indiana helping daughter Karin and husband Keith prepare their house for sale.  Now that the children are all in college and no longer needing the local school, they plan to move to the lake where they have been spending most of their summers and then will no longer have two yards to maintain along with all of the other duplicate tasks.  The weather is not quite what it is in Florida but I have enjoyed seeing new life springing forth in the trees and flowers.  Something that is not as dramatic when living in the south.

I am reminded of these words from the Apostle Paul; “Always be joyful.  Never stop praying.  Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”  (1 Thessalonians 5:16)

Have a blessed week!


Sunday, April 05, 2015

Delightful Easter Weekend

What a delightful Easter weekend with beautiful weather and challenging programs!  Good Friday morning I drove one of our residents to Orlando to catch a plane and took three other friends that wanted to ride along for the fun.  I was quite surprised that they wanted to go because I had to leave the village at 3:45 a.m.  It was great to have the company and we stopped for breakfast on the trip home.  In the evening I attended the communion service at our church and was blessed.  It seems most appropriate to celebrate communion on Good Friday!

Saturday morning we had an Easter breakfast in the village with an abundance of delicious food and a meaningful devotional focusing mainly on 1 Peter which someone has called “A Survival Manual for Suffering Saints.”  I filled in for one of our workers helping prepare and serve the noon meal at the lodge.  The worker was out of town to attend a funeral.  In the afternoon I removed some landscape plantings at the front of my house and replaced them with new plantings that I hope will turn out to be lower maintenance and attractive for many years. 

Easter Sunday started at 7:00 a.m. with a sunrise service put on by our church in the state park.  It was a delightful experience singing and listening to a devotional as we watched the sun rise from behind a large oak tree draped with Spanish moss.  From the park I went to church for breakfast which was followed by the Easter service and finally to my Bible class.  I had to hurry back to the village to once again give a hand with lunch at the lodge.  One thing for certain is that you can keep just a busy as you wish here.

I trust that you each had a blessed Easter weekend.

Love to all,
