Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Arrival!

It is a great joy to announce the birth of Ella Grace on 3/30/11 weighing in at 6 lbs 7 oz and 19.5". Proud parents Justin and Laura are doing well as is Ella. Grandmother Sue hurriedly drove the 4+ hours from her home to be there for the birth...and just barely made it. She looks mighty happy about it doesn't she? Thanks for all of you that have been praying over these months.

We were having a Community Life Conference at the office this week when I received calls yesterday from both Justin and Sue that Laura's labor had started. It was a bit difficult to keep my mind on the meetings as I kept in touch with Sue on the road and Justin in the hospital. I was thrilled to get the "arrival" calls from the two of them around 5:00 PM.

This morning as I was reading Isaiah I was reminded again of the goodness of God in spite of our rebellion. As the Lord spoke to Isaiah about rebellious Judah, we are reminded that in spite of their (and our) rebellion; "...the LORD still waits for you to come to him so that he can show you his love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for him to help them." (Isaiah 30:18) As we go through the ups and downs of life I am always encouraged by his words in verses 19-20; "He will be gracious if you ask for help. He will respond instantly to the sound of your cries. Though the Lord gave you adversity for food and affliction for drink, he will still be with you and teach you." That was a good reminder for me today!

Tomorrow Karin, Keith and Calli will be coming to visit me. Gavin will be heading to Colorado for a final trip with a ministry group. This is his last year in High School so he does not expect to be able to join the group next year. I am sure that this will be a busy week of activities and just catching up on each others lives as we spend the time together.

Thanks for all of your encouragement and prayers.



Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Challenges

With the beauties of spring come the many outside tasks which have been using much of my spare time lately. At the moment it seems like an impossible task to keep up on all of the "inside" chores, spend week days at the office and still have time to spend time with friends. You can guess where I will be spending my day Saturday. For sure, I don't have time to be bored!

As I see clips of the tsunamis tragedy flash on the computer screen and across the pages of the papers, I continue to be reminded of the message by Dr. Monro last Sunday. Mid-week he changed his message plans to be in step with the topic he felt the Spirit wanted him to address, which was "Earthquakes, tsunamis and God." I have reflected upon his four major points all week:

We were reminded that these tragedies are all (1) part of life and are indiscriminate. They don't always happen to "them" but can effect any of us at any time. As such, they may be (2) a wake-up call to all of us from our selfish, self-absorbed selves. The good news is that (3) God is in control! The words from Isaiah 46:8-10 sure do support that: "Remember this, fix it in mind, take it to heart...I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please." When we look at the life of Jesus, we certainly see that (4) God knows about suffering. Jesus certainly did not find his years on earth to be easy or for that matter to end on a "high note." He knew what it was to suffer!

As I was coming in to the office today I was listening to Dr. Lutzer and I found a statement that he made to be both an encouragement and a challenge to me. He said; "For a Christian, this life is the worst that it can ever get, but for a non-Christian this life is the best it will ever be." That is a good one to keep in mind as we struggle with problems and meet with others in great need!

I trust that this has been a good week for you and that you will have a blessed weekend.



Monday, March 14, 2011

Productive Weekend

I had a productive weekend but somewhat painful physically. I spent a long day Saturday working in the yard. The excessive heat and draught last summer killed some mature plantings that had to be removed and replaced and much weeding and trimming was also necessary along with grass that was demanding attention. Wow...I thought that I was sore when I went to bed but that was nothing compared to the aches and pains Sunday morning. But with the help of a couple Excedrin, the discomfort was put behind me and I had a delightful day.

I worked my way through the books of Judges and Ruth during the week. Getting into the book of Ruth was a welcome change after following the lives of the Judges. I found myself reflecting upon the life of Samson. A man "set apart to God from birth" with the opportunity to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines, but wasting so much of God's gifts and finally his life coming to a tragic ending. While his life was filled with many excesses, I have been reflecting upon my own life and recognizing how easy it is to "head off in the wrong direction." A good reminder that it is a daily challenge to finish well!

I had the opportunity to visit the contemporary church that grandson Jeremy introduced us to a few years ago. What a joy it is to see how they are impacting the younger adults of the community. Lives that are totally transformed from lifestyles that I had never heard about when I was their age. They are currently in a series on "Self-Sabotage and the Avoidance Thereof." Pastor Scott talked about habits, tendencies and inclinations that resurface even after being dealt with. And the need to focus on facets that can undermine our identity and relationship with God. I especially liked the way he introduced the message by his deep desire to inspire people and then wrapping up the message emphasizing his passion for each one to know Christ. I am always challenged and encouraged when I visit and witness the excitement along with numerical and spiritual growth there.

I trust that you each have a blessed week.

Love to all,


Tuesday, March 08, 2011


I enjoyed a delightful weekend touring Keith’s complex in the Raleigh/Durham area, meeting his co-workers and catching up with each other. I miss his friendship and encouragement as my neighbor, but we still are able to keep in touch by phone and an occasional visit. Keith keeps mighty busy with 350 housing units. Rarely a dull moment with all of the challenges that they generate daily. While there, I awoke a little early one morning and was catching up on my daily reading through the Bible, which brought me to the end of the book of Joshua. As I reviewed some of the high points from the lives of Moses and Joshua, I was reminded and challenged by the following:

Unbelief delayed the Israelites from entering the Promised Land. Regardless, God never withdrew his promises to them. Their history indicated obedience bringing blessings and victory while disobedience continually resulted in defeat and heartache. While there was freedom of choice for the people, responsibility rested upon their own shoulders to make the “right” choice and enjoy the blessings available to them or face the consequences from making wrong choices. A prime example was Moses being able to see the Promised Land but dying before the group moved on in, due to a moment of impatience and anger on his part. WOW…A good reminder to me about making hasty responses and letting my emotions get out of control.

As Joshua took the Israelites into the Promised Land he learned that victory comes through faith in God and obedience to His Word. I always enjoy reading about the Jericho experience, seeing seven days of obedience accomplish the victory that no amount of might or power could have done. Sadly that fantastic victory was tainted by Achan’s disobedience by taking some of the forbidden spoils, reminding me of the importance of one individuals' disobedience which can prevent God’s planned blessing on the whole group.

There were also numerous examples of the making and developing of good leaders. Certainly their maturity, character and reputation caused them to stand out. But also of utmost importance was how they managed their bodies, minds, families, resources, tongues....their very lives, that made the difference. As I thought about my own life, I was reminded of several areas that need “better management.” Always new challenges for me to work on. Thank you Lord!

Thanks for your love and prayers,


Friday, March 04, 2011


Thanks to each of you who have been praying and who have been checking about my Colonoscopy. The initial report immediately after the procedure was favorable indicating only some diverticulitis which we were already aware of. The final report will be coming in a few days but should be similar with a bit more detail. I am thankful for the report.

Later today I am heading over to Raleigh/Durham for the weekend to celebrate the birthday of my former neighbor, Keith. He has moved into a new apartment and we will be having an open house for his friends, family and coworkers on Saturday. I am looking forward to a special time with him and the others this weekend.

As always, your emails, calls and notes are a blessing. Thanks for keeping in touch.

Have a blessed weekend,
