Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Soon on the road again

I just completed reading Psalm 119, observing how the Psalmist continually referred to the instruction and benefits of God’s Word in nearly every verse. He certainly packed a lot in those verses and recognized the importance of tucking them into his mind and heart:

“Oh, How I love your instructions!
I think about them all day long.
Your commands make me wiser than
my enemies
for they are my constant guide.
Yes, I have more insight than my
for I am always thinking of your laws.
I am even wiser than my elders,
for I have kept your
(Psalm 119:97-100)

It is a good reminder for me to do my best to commit His Word to memory and to meditate upon what I read each day.

Later in the week I will be heading up to the lake house for a brief stop prior to heading on to Sault Ste Marie as the family will all be gathering at Sue and Jeff’s home for the weekend of the 4th. It is always a great blessing to be together as a family! Pray for safe travels for all of us that will be on the road and in the air. It is a good time to be together as we remember those tender days three years ago when Carol said her final goodbyes prior to arriving on the other side of that curtain of death.

I am thankful for a family and dear friends that encourage and pray for me as I continue to walk this road without Carol. Pray that I will use the time allotted me to glorify our wonderful Lord while being sensitive and available to assist with the needs of those around me.

Love to you all,


Friday, June 17, 2011

No more learning

Ever notice how certain dates and events continue to stay very fresh in your mind, even to the point of your reliving them as that particular time of year rolls around again? That is so true for me. This week my mind continues to swing back to the past and I have reread many of my notes and our blogs.

Three years ago, we were doing everything that we possibly could to package the three bundles that Carol had hoped and prayed for during her last weeks here on earth. Bundle one was to gain enough strength to make a trip to Michigan for the wedding of grandson Justin and Laura. Bundle two was to have the strength to attend their wedding and possibly take part in it, and bundle three was to retain enough strength to return home to Charlotte to await that rapidly approaching hour. After 2½ years of fighting cancer and fifty-one chemo infusions, we knew it would be a challenge.

By God’s grace we were able to accomplish all three desires/bundles and Carol was even able to give a challenge from the latter part of Ephesians 4 for the couple from her seat at the front of the sanctuary:

A few days after returning home, Carol penned some final thoughts that she wanted me to insert into the blog that continue indelibly engraved on my mind and I believe are a challenge for each of us:

“I had a startling revelation a couple of days ago. I’m not going to learn anything more about heaven until I’m experiencing it in person. (Pause! Smile! Think about it!) I’m simply too tired to read any more, or even to hold a book. So the wonderful studying I’ve done over the past years is all I have—until I step through that fragile curtain and open my eyes on reality for the first time.

So I thought I’d like to pass that along. Today while you have some energy and some control over you time, is the opportunity to learn what you need to know for your real future. There’s probably no last-minute cramming.”

As I experience the great loss of her absence, I also am continually reminded of the tremendous blessing of a caring God and loving family and friends as we walked through the shadows with Carol during those final days.

I trust that you all are experiencing His love in your lives!


Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Praise & Thanksgiving

I have been reading the Psalms during the past couple of weeks and reminded of how they are filled with praise and thanksgiving. I recently read that praise is repeated 175 times and thanks 32 times in the book of Psalms. Certainly we should get a strong message from that repetition.

I spent the weekend at our lake house in Indiana and found myself repeatedly praising and thanking the Lord for our family. They are always a blessing to be with and it is a special blessing to see the grandchildren making the “right” decisions and growing in the Lord. On this trip the family gathered to congratulate grandson Gavin on his graduation from high school. He will be heading to Bethel College in the fall in preparation for medical school. All of the family pitched in preparing an open house for him at the lake. Nearly a hundred friends stopped by to play games, chat and enjoy a huge variety of food items.

Each time I mention the lake, someone asks about our swans. I was thrilled to find that they now have five young ones. Mother and father are proud parents and it was fun to watch them teaching the little ones to reach down deep for morsels of food. Notice how intent the "kids" are watching their mom.

I am thankful for safe travel and for each of you who continue to pray. You are each a tremendous blessing!

