The grace and power of God
As I was preparing for our class study on prayer earlier this weekend, my attention was drawn to a statement in the book, A Praying Life; "I am completely helpless to help others without the grace and power of God." This was in the context of the difference between “saying prayers” and honest praying. I underlined that statement wanting to be certain to remember it.
There are times that I am sure God either has a sense of humor or is quick to “test” me on what I was supposed to learn. Before the weekend was over, I found myself face to face with three situations that reminded me of my own helplessness in knowing how to effectively pray for individuals and their difficult situations…The kind of prayer that James refers to as being powerful and effective (James 5:16). It was refreshing to be able to pray for each of those dear friends recognizing my inability to really connect with the situations, but also recognizing the power of the Holy Spirit and knowing a God that loves each one of His people far more than I ever can, wanting to provide His very best for them.
Lord willing, I plan to spend a few days at the lake house over the 4th checking on our swan family, getting a little rest, and taking care of some minor maintenance items that need to be done. The approximate twelve hour drive is long, but it is always refreshing to enjoy the surroundings along with family and friends while there. Hopefully friend Keith’s schedule will allow him to go with me which will make the miles pass much quicker and will provide an extra driver.
I trust that each of you will have a blessed week and an enjoyable 4th with family and friends.