Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How would I respond?

Last evening I had the joy of attending the KIEV Symphony Orchestra & Chorus presentation with several friends. What a worshipful event! After the final number I looked at my watch and could not believe that it had been nearly three hours of outstanding music with a bit of insight inserted about past years in the Ukraine. As we heard about the "slipping" of the Ukraine I could visualize far too much similarity with the U.S. today. I believe that it was in 1962 that Matthew said one of his friends had a million dollars of liquid investments when he went to bed one night. When he awoke the next morning that had been reduced to $20! would we respond to that kind of a loss in our "security". It reminded me again not to be placing my faith in people or assets, but in our loving God.

Thinking about a response reminded me of an article I recent read where over 6,000 people were killed along with 500,000 chased from their homes on the islands of Maluku when heavily armed Muslims tied to Osama Bin Laden set out to rid the area of Christians. The person telling the story said that he lost 38 members of his extended family. His response: "Our people are praying. Our churches are filled. Divorce papers are being withdrawn...The prince of darkness tried to divide us. The Lord of love is drawing people unto Himself."

I am reminded of the oft-spoken words of our former Pastor Emerson; "My response is my responsibility!" I am still processing all that I heard and thinking about my response to the unpleasant events of my life in the past and in the future.

Love to you all,


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back on the job

It was a thrill to be able to hold Annika on Sunday while Karin and I visited her in the NICU at the hospital in Madison. We are thankful for the progress that she has made. She is now able to take most of her feedings by bottle and only needs supplemental oxygen via a nasal cannula rather than the ventilator. Thanks so much for joining us in prayer for her. We are praying that she will make rapid improvement now and be ready to join the family at home shortly. I know that her mom and dad will be delighted when that day arrives as well as her big brother and sister.

I was in the hospital back here in Charlotte at 6:15 this morning to be with a dear friend and his wife as he had a hip replacement. The surgeon was pleased with the surgery and he is resting in his room now without pain...What a blessing! We are thankful for another answer to prayer.

My rather fast trip was without incident for which I am always thankful. It was a bit more rigorous that I prefer. I drove just under 2,000 miles during which I was in a total of eight states over the long weekend. I think that I know why I feel a bit tired today.

Your prayers and contacts by email and phone are always so much appreciated.



Sunday, October 17, 2010

It can be told

Now it can be told...I am in Geneva Illinois to celebrate the 50th for Carol's brother Phil and wife Nancy. It was a surprise with some 50 people gathering for a wonderful dinner at their daughter Julie and Rich's home, so I didn't want to let the word out via the blog prior to the event. Daughter Karin was able to adjust her schedule and make this trip with me when I left Indiana which is a tremendous blessing.

This morning we will have a brief brunch with the family and travel on to Madison Wisconsin to visit James, Liz and the family where third child Annika arrived a little over a week ago. She still is in the hospital and is now off of the ventilator so we are praying that her little body will continue to respond favorably and she will soon be able to be home with her family. We will return to Indiana this evening and I plan to leave early Monday morning to head back to Charlotte. We are on a fairly tight schedule with many miles to cover so appreciate all of your prayers and contacts.

I trust that you will have a blessed Lord's day.

Love to you all,


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Whenever trouble comes

As I was praying for friends and family members this morning I was reminded about the verses in James 1:2-4; "...whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything." I found that to be a good reminder for me today...and every day for that matter!

New great grand daughter Annika (born 10/5) is at the top of my prayer list. She is still struggling with having arrived about five weeks early and continues to need God's healing touch to put her on track for her developemnt. What a blessing are the tremendous medical advances that we enjoy, but we are reminded that it is God that knows the number of hairs on our head as well as how every cell is functioning in our bodies. These things are always a test of our faith and an opportunity for growth in our endurance and character.

Tomorrow I am making an early morning departure for Indiana and will enjoy having a friend from the office travel with me for a portion of the trip between here and West Virginia where his parents live. Having a passenger always makes the miles go much faster than just listening to various radio programs, even with all of the XM options available.

This morning I also read about trust in the Psalms. "Trust me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory." (Psalms 50:15) I think that the Lord is telling me something, and I believe that I am starting to get the message...Just trust me! It sure is easy to grab hold of things, people or what we can see, forgetting where are rock-solid trust should be.

I appreciate you prayers and calls as I travel and trust that our paths will soon cross. It is always a great thrill to catch up with each of you by phone and especially in person.



Friday, October 08, 2010

A prayer for you

This has been an exciting week. First came the arrival of Annika Caroline at 4:43 AM on Tuesday. Parents James and Liz will be keeping busy with this new little one but I am sure that Joshua and Lydia will be helping with their new sister also. They have been eagerly awaiting her arrival for a long time. This was about five weeks earlier that planned, but Annika was giving mom a little too much trouble to delay the delivery any longer. Thanks to each of you that was so faithfully joining us in prayer during those rather uncertain hours.

This evening I will be picking up one of our "adopted" daughters, Sue, from the airport as she returns from serving two years in the country of Guinea. Tomorrow I will also be picking up Beth who works with Sue there and they will be spending about a week here in meetings and visiting. It is always a thrill and a blessing to have visitors...That's a reminder to each of you to stop in when you can.

On Sunday my God Chasers Class will be continuing our study in Ephesians with a focus on 3:14-21 which is Paul's prayer for the Ephesians. In preparation for our study, Teacher Tom suggested that we read the prayer inserting our own name in place of "you" and "your". WOW...that makes it come alive! As I read that prayer, I was desiring that for each of you faithful friends. I appreciate each one of you!

Have a blessed weekend!

Love, Chuck