How would I respond?
Last evening I had the joy of attending the KIEV Symphony Orchestra & Chorus presentation with several friends. What a worshipful event! After the final number I looked at my watch and could not believe that it had been nearly three hours of outstanding music with a bit of insight inserted about past years in the Ukraine. As we heard about the "slipping" of the Ukraine I could visualize far too much similarity with the U.S. today. I believe that it was in 1962 that Matthew said one of his friends had a million dollars of liquid investments when he went to bed one night. When he awoke the next morning that had been reduced to $20! would we respond to that kind of a loss in our "security". It reminded me again not to be placing my faith in people or assets, but in our loving God.
Thinking about a response reminded me of an article I recent read where over 6,000 people were killed along with 500,000 chased from their homes on the islands of Maluku when heavily armed Muslims tied to Osama Bin Laden set out to rid the area of Christians. The person telling the story said that he lost 38 members of his extended family. His response: "Our people are praying. Our churches are filled. Divorce papers are being withdrawn...The prince of darkness tried to divide us. The Lord of love is drawing people unto Himself."
I am reminded of the oft-spoken words of our former Pastor Emerson; "My response is my responsibility!" I am still processing all that I heard and thinking about my response to the unpleasant events of my life in the past and in the future.
Love to you all,