Our Shepherd
Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck
Recently I was intently listening to a radio program when a Conelrad test broke in obliterating several seconds of the message and irritating me about the interruption. Was that test really necessary…right then? This week I have experienced tests and witnessed several tests in others lives.
I awoke Sunday morning with violent nausea and all that accompanies it. Need I be graphic? I was up and down like clock-work every half hour. Sometime around daybreak I realized that I was not thinking clearly but also was having a bit of chest discomfort accompanied by the shortness of breath that I have been fighting these many weeks. I realized that I was invited to a small gathering at friends after church and reminded myself that I must call later to let them know I would not be there. At some point I drifted off into a stupor and never really “came to” until around 1:00 PM…missing the gathering and not calling them. With mind a blur and considerable discomfort I recognized my confused mind was unable to sort out my health options. Praying for wisdom I was lead to call dear friend Stuart who immediately came and we discussed options and took a bit of action, resulting in prayer answered. I fell asleep on the sofa in the study with Stuart sitting in the recliner and I did not awaken until around 4:00 PM. Stuart was still there as I rallied. I felt considerably improved so sent him home, took more fluids, called the friends to apologize, and went back to sleep, able to get up and spend most of Monday at the office. I am not sure what it was but I suspect either the flu or food poisoning? Possibly a “test”?
Yesterday I witnessed challenges in others lives which likely could also be tests. A dear couple from Michigan is having to return earlier than planned. Their kids from back home “happened” to come to visit them yesterday. Earlier in the week the husband suffered what appears to possibly be a mild TIA’s but declined to see a doctor here and insisted he would drive back and see his doctor at home. We all have strongly encouraged him not to drive and I trust that is the case as they are all four on the road home today.
Later in the morning I sat with a good friend who had to have his mother moved from her retirement facility into assisted living and is feeling much stress over it. She is extremely unhappy and this has also caused some major conflicts with a sibling.
In the afternoon I had a call from a coworker in an ambulance on the way to the Emergency Room asking prayer for his wife who collapsed while attending a meeting with some ladies. Fortunately it appears to be something that can be handled with medication and she is now back home.
In the evening I spent quite some time with the son of my neighbor who was helping with some yard work there. His dad appears to be in his last days/hours with cancer there in the home. The son works in the hospital, dealing with death every day, but is having a very difficult time watching his dad, and this is generating criticism from some family members as well as great stress for himself who tends to internalize such situations.
Tests? I suspect so, and how well we are prepared for those tests will also determine how we finish the final days (test) of our own “race” on earth.
This has caused me to look more closely at my own life and realize how God has richly blessed during these nearly 80 years, but at the same time recognize how easy and frequently I can fall “out of step” with him. I really want to avoid the word but what better describes it?...SIN! It is so easy to be critical, harbor a bad attitude, and respond inappropriately to people and opportunities. As I reflect upon this I am challenged by Romans 2:4; “Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?” It sure is easy to have the answers for others and even be critical, but of prime importance is how/if I am preparing, and ready, for those upcoming tests and for my final exam!
Hoping to finish well to the glory of God!