Carol Wilson Update

Stage 4 Cancer brought many challenges--and also a host of loving and praying friends. Almost-daily postings to this site are to help my friends walk with me through this journey, and to express my gratitude to them and especially to God...On 7/8/08 Carol passed through that final curtain of death and is now healed. We thank God for her life and "arrival"! Chuck

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Enjoying the visits

After a fairly rigorous road trip, I am taking a few days to relax with Sue and Jeff at their home overlooking the Lake Superior entrance to the Sault Locks.  I always enjoy watching the freighters slowly passing by, headed for the locks that will drop them some 26’ from the Lake Superior level to the Lake Huron level so that they can continue on to their many destinations.  Occasionally we even see ships from other countries that have come through the St. Lawrence Seaway.

After church today we went out for dinner at a charming oriental restaurant in Canada.  I remembered to bring my passport so we were able to cross the border.  After dinner we took a drive to the Canadian Locks where we are allowed to walk over the actual locks and take an interesting trail over to the rushing and very full rapids.  Since 9/11 we are not allowed near the locks on the American side.  Due to the heavy snow fall last winter and heavy rains this summer, the lakes are extra high and we had to remove our shoes and socks and walk through about a foot of very cold rushing water to get back onto the board walk along the edge of the rapids.  We were unable to make the whole trail loop due to much deeper water farther on, so returned by the way we had come.  We spent a bit of time watching both a tour boat and a pleasure boat pass through the locks.  Sue talked with the Harbor Master about arranging a trip through the locks with a group of friends in kayaks while the weather is still favorable. 

It has been a blessing to connect with numerous friends and family members along the way.  The main challenge has been to limit the time of each visit so I can make all of the stops as planned.   There have been a few people that I missed due to their being out of town, but I have been pleased at how well my hastily planned schedule has worked for Indiana and Michigan.  I am praying that the balance of the trip will work as well.

I trust that each of you will have a blessed Labor Day weekend as we are reminded that fall will soon be upon us and the weather will be cooling rapidly, especially in the north.

Love to all,


Monday, August 25, 2014

Get Out of the Boat!

I arrived safely at the lake in Indiana Thursday and have been keeping quite busy catching up with the family and dealing with little maintenance items that always seem to accumulate.  I just came in from removing a large paper-wasp nest for the next door neighbor.  This seems to be that time of year.  We had to deal with a big nest of yellow jackets earlier that moved into the partition, entering through a small hole next to the gas line.  I gave up counting them after going beyond 150, but fortunately they seem to be conquered now!  Sunday we saw Keith off on a business trip to Germany, and today I spent a few hours mowing the lawn which is growing well with the warm weather and a heavy rain.  Tomorrow Karin and I will drive to Bethel College to spend some time with Gavin & Calli.  It’s hard to believe that this is Gavin’s last year at Bethel, and the start of interviewing medical schools for next year.

During my trip I received an email from friends in Lansing asking if I could stop by, so I am planning to travel that way as I visit the family.  I know that there are far more people that I would like to visit than time will allow, but I plan to connect with as many as possible along the way.

Sunday we were challenged by Pastor Denny to “Get Out of the Boat” and exercise our faith.  Reminding us of Peter’s exercise of faith in stepping out of the fishing boat to go to Jesus (Matthew 14:28-32), we were challenged to examine what our “safe boat” is and to step out like Peter, in faith, proceeding toward what God is calling us to.  Some things mentioned were being more intentional in our conversations, giving God more of our time, being more purposeful in our giving, and expanding our involvement in Christ honoring activities.  We were warned of the ease of becoming “boat potatoes”.  I had to stop to think about that for a couple of seconds! 

I trust that your weeks is going well and appreciate so much your encouragement and prayers.

Love to all,


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

He is merciful!

I plan to leave early in the morning for the lake in Indiana.  I’ll spend the weekend with the family located in that area, and when I am a bit rested up, I plan to continue on visiting as many family members and friends as possible.  I have no itinerary at this time.  That will develop as I see how travel-weary I get.  I notice that I do not have the stamina that I had a few years ago, but I am thankful for the strength and health that the Lord continues to provide.  As always, your prayers for guidance and safety are greatly appreciated!

Thinking about prayer, recently I read “We do not ask because we deserve help, but because you are so merciful.”  (Daniel 9:18b)  It is so easy to get into the rut of thinking that we never should encounter any “problems” but how many times have we seen a situation that at the moment appeared to be a disaster, turning into a huge blessing.  Our “vision” is so very narrow and we tend to be so self-centered that there are times when we are far better off not getting what we ask for.  Recently I heard Warren Wiersby say “sometimes God’s greatest punishment is to give us what we ask for.”  That has caused me to more closely examine what I pray for to be as certain as possible to be praying according to God’s will and for His glorify!

Love to you all,


Monday, August 11, 2014

Times flies when having fun

I am amazed how “busy” I can get when not going to a regular job Monday through Friday.  I even find myself getting behind in keeping up on the blog each week. 

We have been having some rather humid and rainy weather causing me to focus more on inside activities because my repertory system does not respond well to that weather, requiring additional medication which I prefer to avoid as much as possible.

Saturday morning we had a bit cooler and dryer air, so I did some minor yard work around the planting areas.  I was amazed to see that the 20” papaya tree that I planted three months is now about 10’ tall and I counted 21 papayas from 3” in length to small nubbins that have appeared. 

Speaking about being busy, interruptions like the wildlife around the lake takes some of my time.  The vast variety of birds, huge turtles, alligators and my favorite, the Sand Hill Cranes.  While typing this there was a knock on the glass door by my computer desk.  Glancing up I saw two of the cranes trying to get my attention.  When I didn’t respond to the knocking, the male started pecking loudly on the door knob.  When I opened the door and went out, they jumped into the air with their huge wings outstretched and seemed to be begging.  I cut a slice of multi-grain bread, tearing pieces for them to gobble down.  That seemed to satisfy them and they continued on searching for tasty tidbits under the sod as they continued around the lake.

I suspect that you have seen news reports about the challenges in Liberia at the ELWA Hospital.  Kent and Nancy continue to slowly improve,  our non-essential personnel have been evacuated and continue to be healthy as they are closely monitored for any indication of the Ebola Virus.  Please join us in thanking the Lord for answered prayer and continue praying for those infected along with the dedicated people ministering to them in extremely uncomfortable conditions with hot protective clothing in extremely hot temperatures.  They need great wisdom along with good health and extra stamina.  We are thankful for them and for those arriving to assist them.  It is our prayer that the Lord will be glorified through many lives!  The Psalmist says “My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.”  (Psalm 119:71)

Have a blessed week,
