Faith Enjoys!
This week I have appreciated The Daily Message readings in 1st Samuel and also the emphasis on faith as I followed the Indeed readings which you can guess focused on Hebrews 11. What a reminder and challenge to finish well. But there were so many personal failures in 1 Samuel even with reminders like Samuel’s “If you are truly serious about coming back to GOD, clean house…ground yourselves firmly in GOD, worship him and him alone…” Contrast that with the examples of those mentioned in Hebrews 11. What a dramatic difference! And Hebrews 11 certainly leaves no doubt about the key, as repeatedly we read “by faith.”
Here are a few statements that spoke to me;
“Faith doesn’t hold on to worry and stress.
Real faith…is absolutely certain that the invisible God has a visible answer for us.
In short, faith honors God’s faithfulness, His power, His love and His wisdom.
Those who cannot see the invisible God and who are not aware of the eternal kingdom will never opt for faith.
Faith enjoys the gifts of God in this world, but never pursues them above God himself. The eyes of faith see the big picture and cause us to stake our life on it.”
I am always amazed and thankful how just the right message comes along to challenge and encourage me when most needed. This has been an extra stressful week for me, and as I reflect on each day, I see how God has spoken to me in each situation through the Word and through His people. Sometimes it took a little while for me to really hear and to exercise the faith I was reading about.
Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement as I continue to adjust to new challenges. Remembering that “Without faith it is impossible to please Him.”