"A Shrimp between Whales"
A Korean proverb describes their small peninsula as "a shrimp between whales," the whales being China and Japan. I've just read Richard Foster's pastoral letter to constituents of the RENOVARE movement. He warns that while we're so preoccupied with events in the Middle East, a tectonic shift of far greater significance is occurring further east. He sees Asia as the rising culture, following centuries of Western hegemony throughout the eras of colonialism, the industrial revolution, and the present age of information technology. The future, he believes, "belongs" to the Pacific Rim.
When he asks which religious expression will rise, he considers Buddhism, Islam, and Confucianism, and lands on Christianity as most hopeful after all. It, he says, is the only true "world religion," being the only faith that is truly worldwide in scope. (It is more accurate to speak of the others as "religions of the world," since they are strongly regional.) Anyway, he speaks of Korea as "the gateway to all of Asia" in terms of Christian mission strategy. He reflects on the Korean Christian revival of 100 years ago, and the explosive Christian growth in that tiny nation. He thinks Korea may soon surpass the USA in sending out Christian missionaries. I have just finished writing about the Korean revival and resulting mission movement for the SIM magazine, so this resonated with me. Foster says, "God has sovereignly chosen to use the peoples of Korea to teach the world-wide Christian family about how to develop the root system of prayer.... It's the intensity. It's the determined persistence. It's the instant power engagement. It's the longing love."
Actually, I think there's a good chance that China will outrun us all in Christian mission. Churches across that great nation share a vision to send 100,000 missionaries along the fabled "Silk Route" back to Jerusalem, the starting place of our faith. We're not in a contest. Let's pray that God will use the Christian faith of all Asians--severely tested and strengthened by suffering as it is--to awaken the rest of the world.
I appreciate so much your continuing prayers for me. I'm feeling quite well, and continuing to ask God to drop those tumor marker numbers.